Steven J. Larcom, Geologist/GIS Analyst
Responsibilities include providing a wide variety of geographic information systems (GIS) analysis and technical research consulting services to oil and gas companies, gas transmission companies, natural gas and liquids storage companies, banks, trusts and institutional investors.

North Carolina State University (USA) 2016
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Texas State University (USA) 2018
Master of Applied Geography
Previous Positions
US Army Corps of Engineers
Phoenix, Arizona USA
[2020 – 2021, 2022]
Geographer Engaged in production mapping and geospatial data management for Hydrology and Hydraulics projects. Supported the development and implementation of District geospatial data plans.
Langan Engineering and Environmental Services
Phoenix, Arizona USA
Senior Staff Geologist Provided field services such as drilling observation, soil sampling, and core logging. Produced geologic sections, aerial photo analyses, and written reports.
Lonquist & Co., LLC
Austin, Texas, USA
[2017 – 2020]
Geologist/GIS Analyst Provided geology, GIS analysis, and technical research consulting services to oil and gas industry clients. Produced maps for clients for regulatory permitting and resource exploration. Observed core sampling in advance of frac sand testing.
Professional Societies
Solution Mining Research Institute