Jorge Pacheco, Petroleum Engineer
Responsibilities include providing a wide variety of petroleum engineering, underground storage engineering and mining engineering consulting services to oil and gas companies, gas transmission companies, natural gas and liquids storage companies, banks, trusts and institutional investors.

Louisiana State University (USA) 2016
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
Previous Positions
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Houma, Louisiana, USA
[2019 – 2022]
Well Operations Field Engineer Performed engineering and operational analysis of complex, advanced, state-of-the-art, oil, gas and other mineral facilities in the Gulf of Mexico. Served as field engineer over inspection and audit activities in the areas of drilling, workover and completion.
Enrema, LLC
Sunbright, Tennessee, USA
[2018 - 2019]
Production Engineer Planned, analyzed and optimized the company’s production practices by taking part in the evaluation of oil and gas reservoirs, the development of the extraction method for these resources, as well as any other aspects of the production process.
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
[2017 - 2018]
Engineer Applied petroleum engineering principles to understand injection permit applications and made visits to well site locations to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations.
Railroad Commission of Texas
Houston, Texas, USA
Field Pipeline Safety Inspector Established quality and adeptness of pipeline systems through timely investigations and consistent testing of exposed portions of the pipeline on the system; submitted reports regarding results.
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
[2016 - 2017]
Physical Science Technician Performed routine processing of incoming petroleum geoscience and ancillary engineering information.
Lewis Energy Group
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Pipeline Operations Engineering Intern Examined equipment performance and educated on safety and operating procedures for workers operating natural gas pipeline equipment.
Kiewit Energy Group
Ingleside, Texas, USA
Field Engineering Intern Prepared production progress reports of a $5.1 billion construction project and scheduled the assigned construction package in logical steps to meet deadlines of process piping systems installations abord Chevon’s Big Foot offshore production platform.
United States Marine Corps
Camp Leeune, North Carolina, USA
[2006 - 2010]
Supervisor Advanced position to a qualified leader, training teams and liaising with supporting units by providing leadership, instruction, training, supervision and mentoring to a team of 4 to 30 members.
Professional Societies
Engineer-in-Training Louisiana (EL0033618)
Solution Mining Research Institute